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What is your name?: Meg Sebastian
Where are you from?: Jonesboro AR
Tell us about why you use CPAP and how you got diagnosed.: I experienced dibilitaring fatigue over a number of years. As a normally super high energy person this was a depressing and demoralizing situation. It finally occurred to me that I could do something about it. I went for a sleep study and was shocked at how very serious my apnea is.
What do you LOVE about CPAP treatment?: I LOVE how much better I feel. I enjoy not waking up with pain behind my eyes and feeling refreshed in the morning. I refer to it as getting “drunk baby sleep” Also, a side effect of getting high quality sleep has been weight loss.
Any advice for other CPAP Babes?: Nose pillows baby!!!! But seriously–it takes about two weeks to get used to it. Don’t give up. It’s totally worth it. Using a CPAP doesn’t make you old or undesirable–it makes you better at what you do and closer to your life goals! The photo I provided is from my “sleep study”
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